Between Fire and Earth: The Cultural Legacy of the Brick Kiln
In a world increasingly dominated by technology, there are still artisanal practices that preserve a millennia-old legacy. One such tradition is the construction and use of brick kilns for firing ceramics.
This type of wood-fired kiln stands out for its simplicity and efficiency, making it a valuable tool for ceramicists seeking to explore firing techniques that value both the process and the aesthetic results. The flames leave unique marks on the surfaces, while finishing techniques, such as polishing, benefit from low firing temperatures, preserving the shine and texture of the clay achieved through surface compression.
Building a cylindrical brick kiln is an accessible, replicable, and low-cost ancient technique. This approach revives ancient practices still alive in cultures throughout America, where the knowledge of earth, fire, and ceramics has been intertwined for centuries.
Participating in the Ceramic Sound Masks course with Nómada Cerámica is more than learning techniques: immersing yourself in an authentic artisanal experience that values craftsmanship, cultural heritage, and artistic creation.
Join us for our Ceramic Sound Mask Course.
An immersive journey guided by Nómada Cerámica at Cerdeira - Home for Creativity.